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Finding a Dentist
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You must use a participating dentist in Dominion’s EPO network. Our expansive EPO dental network provides access to nearly 13,000 dentist listings in the Mid-Atlantic.1 Dominion’s EPO network provides enrollees with more options, flexibility and access. Enrollees must receive services from an in-network dentist, but do not need to select a primary care dentist. Renewing Dominion enrollees will get to keep their current dentist in the new EPO program and family members may continue to go to different dentists.

You can find a current list of dentists online at FederalDentalPlans.com/find-dentist. You can also call us toll-free at 855.836.6337 to request that a dentist list be mailed to you. After your effective date, simply call the dental office and make an appointment. Except for out-of-area emergency care, you must receive treatment from an in-network dentist.

Yes. You and your dependents may receive care from different dental offices.

Once you have received your enrollment confirmation email or Membership ID Card, simply call your dentist’s office to make an appointment. If you have not received an ID card, you can access a digital ID card at DominionMembers.com, or through the Dominion National Go mobile communication service (DominionNational.com/go).